Development of hi-tech commercial plantations of avocado in identified belts, act as hubs for supply of fruits growing demand in domestic & international market.
Assistance in securing availability of quality planting material by promoting setting up of scion and root stock banks / mother plant nurseries and carrying out accreditation / rating of avocado nurseries and need based imports of planting material.
Promotion of field trials of newly developed / imported planting materials and other farm inputs; production technology; PHM protocols, INM and IPM protocols and promotion of applied R&D programmes for commercialization of proven technology.
Promotion of applied R & D for standardizing PHM protocols, prescribing critical storage conditions for fresh avocado produce, bench marking of technical standards for cold chain infrastructure necessary for fresh avocado etc.,
Development of modern post-harvest management infrastructure as an integral part of area expansion projects or as common facility for cluster of project avocados
Transfer of technology to producers / farmers and service providers such as gardeners, farm level skilled workers, operators in cold storages, work force carrying out post harvest management including processing of fresh avocado and to the master trainers.
To make the awareness at domestic & International level about the presence & Importance of Avocado crop by attending the meetings, seminars, symposiums, Congresses, exhibitions, etc.
A. To take all necessary efforts to establish the National Research Center for Avocado at Nasik.
Development of integrated, energy efficient cold chain infrastructures for fresh avocado produce, & oil extraction facilities as an integrated processing complex.
Popularization of identified new technologies / tools / techniques for commercialization / adoption, after carrying out technology need assessment.
Setting up of Common Facility Centers in Horticulture Parks and Agri-Export Zones for avocados.
Promotion and market development of fresh avocado produce in Domestic Market
Promotion for consumption and market development of avocado produce and products in International Market.
Strengthen market intelligence system by developing, collecting and disseminating avocado database.
Carrying out studies and surveys to identify constraints and develop short- and long-term strategies for systematic development of avocado production & Market, Supply Chain.
Providing technical services including advisory and consultancy services to avocado producers, PH Complex Operators, Exporters, Importers, Research Institutes, Input Suppliers, Consumers, wholesalers, Retailers
To provide a diversion option to the monoculture practices of grapes, to establish a place in between Grapes & Mango economy.
“Avocado India Economy Development Foundation” (Henceforth ‘Avocado India’) is an effort initiated in Nashik for the benefits of the community. Our experience suggests that there are various organizations which are already supporting & helping growth & cultivation of different species of fruits & vegetables all over India. But whenever a new organization takes birth, it has to pass through various difficulties & hence to avoid any such future hassles for Avocado, Avocado India thought it is the right time we launch an effort to form organization for Avocado Fruits economy in India in 2009-10.
Avocado India Economy Development Foundation, Nashik is a section 8 of non-profit organization established under companies act in July 2023, It’s working area is all India level as we observed the growth of avocados in various parts of Kerala, Maharashtra, Sikkim & Tamilnadu.
Avocado fruit is still in experimental stage. Hence to enable growers work in groups / associations & get benefited, Avocado India Economy Development Foundation is formed.